
четвртак, 15. новембар 2012.

Net therapy UK

Neuro Electric Therapy - UK

When you're talking about saving lives you know , you need every tool at your disposal, to make sure that we are saving more lives than we're losing. The importance of Net therapy as a the devices, it gives as tremendous tools in our arsenal to save lives , literally and then to help people reestablished what will be the remainer  of their lives and give them control over their own destiny and their future.

Stop taking drugs with Net therapy

NET  developed by doctor patterson back in the  early 1970 – Hong Kong.
She  discovers that a small amount of stimulation to the head ,could change your brain chemistry and it could cost people who have been addicted for their lives on opium, could cost people to start craving  opium  and an end to successfully apstinent fobia , she extended that technology  to include heroin and cocaine and number of other drugs.
But what we've done is figure out how to automate for process so that relatively untrained practitioner can't use the device to with a great deal of success  take people of prescription drugs and halucinogene drugs  :cocaine ,opiates, amphetamines.

And so, the precept of  a net therapy ,i was intrigue ,that as a treatment provider that we could detox somebody, not medically ,not narcotic,  because traditionally what we have done doesn't work.
Im not here to knock about  methadone, or anything  like that ,but for me  there has to be an alternative
and so this  percent  of  an alternative ,to traditional narcotic detox is that without  them.

Person treated and then relax, get treated and then relax, get treated and then relax, then when i come to find out the national tree and that most everyone who  was treated ,one and a half percent is remembered that did not relapse with that for sure ,that his hard work that was prepared to consult again my excitement, when i found out that when we treated at east  kentucky we have about seventy four percent that did not relaps within the first year.
What we see ,on a daily basis, is people ,in a short period of time, restored to a pre Adiction state where they can  choose  to stop taking drugs, and the evidence is long-term.

Heroin Detox Europe Clinic - Dr Vorobiev

At Dr Vorobiev clinic we use several detox techniques:

Opioid Detoxification / Heroin detoxification process  / Subutex Detox / Ibogaine Therapy / N.E.T. Therapy / benzodiazepine addiction uk /

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